Monday, August 10, 2009

Ignorance: the surest route to gullibility

Healthcare Debate Framed by Fear-Mongering Ads - LA Times

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Really -- anyone so logic- and reality-impaired as to believe these ludicrous claims shouldn't be permitted to operate complex machinery (a rake, for example), much less be allowed to emit opinions in a public venue wherein the brains of intelligent participants would likely be damaged.

(To clarify: yes, I do believe in freedom of speech. Very much so. If you have objections to the actual bill, you are -- and ought to be -- free to air them. But if you want to spout talking points that are so transparently fictitious they would prompt eye rolling in toddlers, if you are so intellectually lazy that you can't be bothered to do a 10-second Google search and gather some actual facts, then shut the hell up. You have a right to your "opinion," but until you know what you're talking about, you're just wasting everyone's time in sharing it. All opinions are not created equal.)

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